From & To The Airport
Standard time required・Fare
The travel times indicate the shortest times including transfer times. For this reason, the travel times may differ depending on the train/line that is taken.
A First Class Car Ticket "μticket"(450 yen) is required to board the first class car of a μSKY Limited Express, Rapid Limited Express or Limited Express train.
Central Japan International Airport Station Boarding Guide
When using μSKY
➊ Central Japan International Airport ticket gate seen from Access Plaza.
➋ This is the ticket gate.
- Tickets and μtickets can be purchased at the left of the gate.
➌ After the gate, proceed toward the right.
➍ Board from platform 1.
- Check the signs above the platform doors to see where the first class cars stop.
When using trains other than μSKY (Limited Express/Semi Express, etc.)
➊ ➊ Central Japan International Airport ticket gate seen from Access Plaza.
➋ ➋ This is the ticket gate.
- Tickets and μtickets can be purchased at the left of the gate.
➌ ➌ After the gate, proceed toward the right for platform 2 or toward the left for platform 3 .
- Check the platform signs for train information.
➍ ➍ Board from platform 2 or platform 3 .
First class Car
First class cars require a first class car ticket (μticket) in addition to a regular ticket.
First Class Car Ticket (μticket)
Fare : 450yen
Regular Ticket
μSKY Limited Express
- *Note: Some trains have eight cars.
Rapid Ltd. Exp., Limited Express (Some First Class Cars)
Meitetsu Free Wi-Fi is available
- *Note: Depending on circumstances, the type of car is subject to change.